Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Účastníme se výzvy "Do práce na kole"

Zaměstnanci ÚTIA se již 10 let účastní výzvy Do práce na kole. Tato výzva probíhá vždy v květnu a spočívá v tom, dopravovat se do práce co nejvíce bezmotorovým způsobem - tedy nejen na kole, ale i pěšky, během, nebo třeba na koloběžce.

V letošním roce se nás k výzvě připojil rekordní počet - celkem 16 kolegů. Nejzdatnější z nich, který dojíždí na kole od Říčan, už od začátku května najezdil téměř 500km. Všichni dohromady zvládli dosáhnout 82% pravidelnosti.

Děkujeme ÚTIA za podporu!

2022-05-26 11:09

Seminar On Assigning of Prior Probability to a New Hypothesis

The speaker will be Miroslav Kárný, the seminar will be held on Wednesday 25.5.2022 at 11:00 in the AS-meeting room 474. 

2022-09-13 14:42

Seminar User‘s feedback in Preference elicitation

The speaker will be Tereza Siváková, the seminar will be held on Monday 16. 5. 2022 at 11 am in the AS-meeting room 474

2022-09-13 14:41

Podány 4 grantové návrhy do GAČR

Naše oddělení podalo 4 grantové návrhy do GAČR (3 standardní a jeden je spolupráce s Koreí): 

  • M.Kárný - Probabilistic description of beliefs and wishes for prescriptive dynamic decision making 
  • O.Tichý - Bayesian non-linear source quantification of spatio-temporal atmospheric emissions
  • K.Belda - Predictive control design under bounded uncertainties and disturbances in estimated states and parameters of robotic systems
  • K.Belda (spolunavrhovatel) - Controllable gripping mechanics: Modelling, control and experiments

Držíme palce!

2022-04-08 13:05

M. Ruman složil SDZ s vyznamenáním

Marko Ruman složil státní doktorskou zkoušku s vyznamenáním (obor: Matematické inženýrství, FJFI ČVUT) a úspešně představil teze své práce na téma "Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning".


2022-04-03 18:40

Seminar User‘s feedback in Preference elicitation

Speaker will be Tereza Siváková.

The research studies optimal decision-making with the focus on preferences quantified for fully probabilistic design (FPD). FPD models the closed DM loop and the agent’s preferences by joint probability densities (pds). There is a preference-elicitation (PE) principle, which maps the agent’s model of the state transitions and its incompletely expressed wishes on an ideal pd quantifying them. This research also studies preferences targeting actions and contradicting preferences.

2022-04-26 14:21

Seminar Transfer learning in Reinforcement learning tasks


Speaker will be Marko Ruman.

Deep reinforcement learning has shown an ability to achieve super-human performance in solving complex reinforcement learning tasks only from raw-pixels. However, it fails to reuse knowledge from previously learnt tasks to solve new, unseen ones. To generalize and reuse knowledge is one of the fundamental requirements for creating a truly intelligent agent. The work summarizes the problem of transfer learning in reinforcement learning tasks and offers a method for one-to-one task transfer learning.

2022-09-13 14:40

Job offer - Help Ukraine

Department of Adaptive Systems, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences is looking for researchers/postdocs/PhD students in one of the areas:
• - Cybernetics
• - Artificial intelligence
• - Informatics
• - Applied mathematics
• - Control theory
• - other related fields

Good professional knowledge of English is essential, no knowledge of Czech is needed.

If you are interested please contact Mrs Neuner for further details. Those who have started PhD in Ukraine are also welcome.

2022-06-28 10:57

The 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

A series of Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES) has been held in Czechia every third year since 1988. Proceedings from several previous workshops can be found on their websites ( WUPES'18, WUPES'15, WUPES'12, WUPES'09, and WUPES'06).

2022-04-14 09:17

Winter school of MTR, 2022

The Winter School of the Department of Decision-Making Theory is a popular meeting of students and researchers from the department and collaborating researchers from several Czech institutions as well as guests from abroad. This year, it is organized by  M. Studený, J.Vomlel, and J.Outrata. The scientific program covers the research interests of the department MTR UTIA and of our invited guests.

2023-03-03 11:06


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