Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Nonlinear Systems (master study) - practicing

Fakulta elektrotechnická ČVUT
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2020-12-28 14:46

Prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc., the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, appointed prof. Ing. Vladimíra Kučera, DrSc. as the Emeritus Researcher at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc., the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, appointed prof. Ing. Vladimíra Kučera, DrSc. a the Emeritus Researcher at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for his lifetime successful work and merit in the development of the workplace and scientific field on December 18, 2017
2018-06-13 10:36

Příspěvek, jehož spoluautorem je Prof. S. Čelikovský z Oddělení teorie řízení, oceněný „EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize“ na Světovém kongresu IFAC 2017 v Toulouse ve Francii

Publikace „Časově optimální řízení pro bilineární nezáporné systémy v řízení: Aplikace k magnetické manipulaci“ autorů Jiřího Zemánka, Sergeje Čelikovského a Zdeňka Huráka byla oceněna cenou EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize. Tato speciální cena je financována Klubem EEA (francouzská asociace profesorů a výzkumných pracovníků v elektrotechnice a informačních vědách). více na

2023-11-15 11:29

Paper, co-authored by Prof. S. Celikovsky from Department of Control Theory awarded "EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize" at IFAC 2017 World Congress in Toulouse, France.

The paper entitled "Time-Optimal Control for Bilinear Nonnegative-In-Control Systems: Application to Magnetic Manipulation" by Jiri Zemanek, Sergej Celikovsky a Zdenek Hurak was awarded the EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize. This special demonstrator prize is funded by Club EEA (French association of professors and researchers in electrical and information sciences). "EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize" see more
2018-05-02 13:38

Control of walking robots using collocated virtual holonomic constraints

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2017-06-26 13:25

Cena děkana ČVUT FEL v Praze

Děkan Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT v Praze, prof. Ing. Pavel Ripka, CSc., udělil dne 20.2.2017 Ing. Milanovi Anderlemu, Ph.D. CENU DĚKANA za vynikající disertační práci "Modelling and Control of Walking Robots".
2018-05-02 13:38

Paper, co-authored by Prof. S. Celikovsky from Department of Control Theory awarded "EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize" at IFAC 2017 World Congress in Toulouse, France

The paper entitled "Time-Optimal Control for Bilinear Nonnegative-In-Control Systems: Application to Magnetic Manipulation" by Jiri Zemanek, Sergej Celikovsky a Zdenek Hurak was awarded the EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize. This special demonstrator prize is funded by Club EEA (French association of professors and researchers in electrical and information sciences). "EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize" see more


2023-11-15 11:13

Certificate of Reviewing

Recognition for Dr. Zdenek Beran from the Department of Control Theory.
2018-05-02 13:38


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