Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Department of Adaptive Systems

Publications ÚTIA: 

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The Department of Adaptive Systems focuses predominantly on the design of decision-making systems, which modify their behavior according to the changing properties of their environment. This essential ability – adaptivity – enhances their efficiency. Decades of research have brought a number of conceptual, theoretical, algorithmic, software and application results. The applicability of adaptive systems is currently being extended toward complex scenarios by improving the classical adaptive systems and by developing their new versions.

The departmental “know-how” serves to resolve national as well as international research projects, running in collaboration with industry and government agencies. The interplay between theory and limited computing power is the common issue linking the various project domains. They include traffic control, management and control of technological systems, radiation protection, nuclear medicine, analysis of financial data, electronic democracy, etc. The increasing complexity of the problems addressed directs the main stream of the research toward decentralized control of large-scale systems and normative decision-making with multiple participants.

Honoring deceased members of the Department of Adaptive Systems

2024-05-02 14:40

Department detail

Inspirativní prostředí pro pravidelná setkání nejen mladé vědecké generace, kde můžete sdílet své nápady a myšlenky. ...
Ing. Lubomír Bakule CSc.
Ing. Květoslav Belda Ph.D.
Ing. Josef Böhm CSc.
Ing. Antonie Brožová
Doc. Ing. Kamil Dedecius Ph.D.
Dr. Siavash Fakhimi Derakhshan Ph.D.
Bc. Aleksej Gaj
Doc. Ing. Tatiana Valentine Guy Ph.D.
Ing. Jitka Homolová Ph.D.
Ing. Adam Jedlička
RNDr. Ladislav Jirsa Ph.D.
Ing. Miroslav Kárný DrSc.
Ing. Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková Ph.D.
Bc. Soňa Molnárová
Ing. Petr Pecha CSc.
Ing. Pavel Píša Ph.D.
Štěpán Pressl
Ing. Marko Ruman
Prof. Ing. Václav Šmídl Ph.D.
Ing. Ondřej Tichý Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Zagalak CSc.
Duration: 2024 - 2026
Quantification of sources of atmospheric pollutants is crucial for regulatory purposes as well as for atmospheric science in general. Due to many physical limitations in observation and modeling, the existing methodologies have many simplifying assumptions, e.g. linear observation model or uncorrelated emission values, which cause inevitable bias in pollutant estimates.
Duration: 2022 - 2026
The aim of the project is to promote understanding of complex interactions and the dynamics of decision making (DM) under complexity and uncertainty. The theory under consideration should be applicable to dynamic DM and interaction within a flat structure without any coordination. It will support modelling a living agent acting within a complex network of interacting heterogeneous agents.
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Blind inverse problems (i.e. inverse problems with unknown parameters of the forward model) are well studied for models with uniform grids, such as blind image deconvolution or blind signal separation. Recently, new methods of learning of non-linear problems with differentiable nonlinearities (i.e.
Duration: 2018 - 2021
The proposed project aims to contribute to theoretical and algorithmic development of cooperation and negotiation aspects while respecting agent imperfection and deliberation. The targeted solution should be applicable to decentralised dynamic DM under complexity and uncertainty. It will support a single agent acting within a network of strategically interacting agents.
Duration: 2018 - 2020
Optimal processing of distributed knowledge is key agenda in machine learning, signal processing and control, driven by sensor networks for smart environments, autonomous agents and distributed infrastruktures (clouds, Internet) serving the tnternet of things. Nodes may communicate via partially specied probability distributions (moments, etc.).
Ing. Antonie Brožová
Ing. Adam Jedlička
Ing. Zdenek Junek
Ing. Marko Ruman
Ing. Tereza Siváková
Ing. Vít Škvára
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně-inženýrská ČVUT
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně-inženýrská ČVUT
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně-inženýrská ČVUT
Fakulta informačních technologií ČVUT
The GAMENET Conference 2019 , 2019-11-21
The aim of this event concluding the second year of COST Action European Network for Game Theory GAMENET is to present, discuss and share the progress on research made in the working groups of GAMENET:
NIPS 2016 Workshop , 2016-12-09
An international workshop in conjunction with the 30th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016)IMPERFECT DECISION MAKERS: ADMITTING REAL-WORLD RATIONALITYDecember 9, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
ECML Workshop on Scalable Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation , 2013-09-23
An international workshop in conjunction withthe European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD 2013)Scalable Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation (...
NIPS Workshop Decision Making with Multiple Imperfect Decision Makers , 2011-12-16
more info: are invited to participate in the NIPS Workshop DECISION MAKING WITH MULTIPLE IMPERFECT DECISION MAKERS in conjunction with the 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, which is...
NIPS Workshop Decision Making with Multiple Imperfect Decision Makers , 2010-12-10
more info: NIPS Workshop DECISION MAKING WITH MULTIPLE IMPERFECT DECISION MAKERS at the 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems successfully took place. The Workshop proceedings can be found...
10th International PhD Workshop, Young Generation Viewpoint , 2009-09-22
10th International PhD Workshop, Young Generation Viewpoint took place. Presentations from this workshop are on
Dne 6. června 2023 na veřejném zasedání vědecké rady Fakulty elektrotechnické ZČU přednesl náš kolega Václav Šmídl...
V soutěži o nejlepší publikaci ÚTIA zvítězily dva články autorů z oddělení Adaptivních systémů.1. místo v kategorii ...
Twenty three exceptionally outstanding young scientists were granted The Otto Wichterle Award, an honour given by the...
Ing. Lubomír Bakule, CSc. byl jmenován emeritním pracovníkem ÚTIA AV ČR, za jeho přínos k rozvoji ústavu a vědního...
Předseda Akademie věd ČR udělil na základě doporučení komise prémii Otto Wichterleho pro rok 2015 mladým nadějným...
Ondřej Tichý from Adaptive systems has been awarded the 1st place in the 7th annual Rektorys competition in applied...
The article Decentralized control and communication by L. Bakule is recognized by ScienceDirect as one of the Top 25...
Czech Radiation Protection Society awarded prize for the best work of young authors in the field of protection against...
Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež a.s. a Česká nukleární společnost ocenily disertační práci s názvem "Application of...
The 2011 Outstanding Statistical Application Award of American Statistical Association has been presented to Miroslav...
Miroslav Kárný and his co-authors A.Raftery (University of Washington) and P.Ettler (Compureg s.r.o.) were selected to...
Společnost Siemens a Fórum průmyslu a VŠ vyhlásili 13. ročník soutěže o nejlepší bakalářské, diplomové a doktorské...
The fundament of the patent consists in a structural configuration of robotic device based on parallel kinematic...