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Submission Instructions

Submissions should be 4-6 pages in length and must follow the NIPS 2011 format (  Submissions need not to be anonymous and should include the title, authors' names, postal and email addresses, and an abstract not to exceed 150 words. Submissions in pdf format only should be sent to: with the subject line "NIPS Workshop" and with the title, authors' names and abstract included in the body of the message.

Submissions will be reviewed by the organising committee and selected submissions may be accepted either as a contributed talk or as a poster presentation: there will be a limited number of contributed talks.

The deadline for submissions is October 25, 2011. Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection decisions by November 1, 2011. Final versions of all accepted papers should be sent by November 15, 2011 to

Please note that one author of each accepted paper must present the paper at the workshop.

All accepted papers will be made available on the workshop website.

A number of selected workshop contributions will be invited for publication in an edited book.  A notification of selection of a contribution for the book will be sent together with an acceptance decision by November 1, 2011.  Prospective authors will be invited to submit 20-30 pages draft in Springer format (, a kit for contributed books) due February 29, 2012.

Submitted by karny on