Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Journal Article

Stochastic primitive equations with horizontal viscosity and diffusivity

Saal M., Slavík Jakub

: Electronic Journal of Probability vol.28, 54

: Horizontal viscosity, Multiplicative noise, Nonlinear stochastic PDE, Primitive equations

: 10.1214/23-EJP940



(eng): We establish the existence and uniqueness of pathwise strong solutions to the stochastic 3D primitive equations with only horizontal viscosity and diffusivity driven by transport noise on a cylindrical domain M=(-h,0)xG, G⊂R^2 bounded and smooth, with the physical Dirichlet boundary conditions on the lateral part of the boundary. Compared to the deterministic case where the uniqueness of z-weak solutions holds in L^2, more regular initial data are necessary to establish uniqueness in the anisotropic space H^1_z L^2_{xy} so that the existence of local pathwise solutions can be deduced from the Gyöngy-Krylov theorem. Global existence is established using the logarithmic Sobolev embedding, the stochastic Gronwall lemma and an iterated stopping time argument.

: BA

: 10101

2019-01-07 08:39