Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Pro všechny

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Geometric Aspects of Conditional Independence and Information

location: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
date: March 13 - 14, 2008
www: link
Workshop Topics:

2008-07-08 09:40

IAPR Fellow Award 2004 to Michal Haindl

President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition IAPR prof. Rangachar Kasturi presents at Cambridge to Dr. Michal Haindl the IAPR Fellow award for contributions to the theory and practice of model-based pattern recognition.

The IAPR Fellow award is conferred on persons to acknowledge their distinguished contributions to the field of pattern recognition and to IAPR activities.

2009-02-11 16:42

IAPR Fellow Award 2000 to Pavel Pudil

President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition IAPR prof. Horst Bunke presented to prof. Pavel Pudil the IAPR Fellow award for contributions to statistical pattern recognition.

The IAPR Fellow award is conferred on persons to acknowledge their distinguished contributions to the field of pattern recognition and to IAPR activities.

2009-02-11 16:44

Useful information

We are sorry, this page is available only in czech language.

2018-05-16 18:23

Připomínky k 0-té verzi

Seznam připomínek sebraných po 1.dubnu od uživatelů.

2008-04-04 08:04

Pravidla užívání počítačů a počítačové sítě

ZÁVAZNÁ PRAVIDLA užívání počítačů a počítačové sítě

Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace Akademie věd České Republiky, v.v.i.

1. Vymezení pojmů a termínů

2008-03-10 12:07

10th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Liblice, Czech Republic, Sept. 15th-18th 2007

The Czech-Japan seminar have become already a traditional meeting of scientists whose research interests concern methods for decision support in environment with uncertainty and their application in economics and engineering. Seminars are regularly held alternatively in Japan and the Czech Republic since 1999.

2008-02-18 20:22


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