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Submission Instructions

All accepted submissions will be published in the Workshop and Conference Proceedings series of the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMRL) as well as presented at the workshop as posters and talks. If you do not wish your work to be published in the JMRL proceedings, please indicate that in your submission email.

Submissions should be 8-10 pages in length and should follow the JMLR format. Detailed formatting instructions and formatting templates can be found at Papers that have previously appeared (or have been accepted for publication) in a journal or at a conference/workshop are not appropriate for the workshop.

Submissions need not to be anonymous and should include the title, authors' names, postal and email addresses, and an abstract not to exceed 150 words. Submissions in pdf format only should be sent to: with the subject line "NIPS2016 Workshop" and with the title, authors' names and abstract included in the body of the message. Please, make sure you get a confirmation email after you submit.

Submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of technical quality, originality, potential impact, and clarity. The selected submissions may be accepted either as a contributed talk or as a poster presentation.

Because of the NIPS 2016 early registration deadline, two rounds of submission are announced. Please check the deadlines for workshop submissions. Contributions submitted to the first round (deadline September 22, 2016) will receive an acceptance/rejection decision before the NIPS 2016 early registration deadline.

Please note that one author of each accepted paper must present the paper at the workshop.

Submitted by guy on