Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Stochastická dominance a optimalita portfolií

Name of External Lecturer: 
Martin DUNGL
2010-10-19 15:00
2010-10-13 11:02

Konkurz na vývoj a konstrukci jednoúčelového měřicího zařízení

Konkurz na vývoj a konstrukci jednoúčelového měřicího zařízení Konkurz bude uzavřen 5.3. 2010 ve 24 hodin. Měřící zařízení založené na dvou sklopných ramenech v úhlech -90 až 90 stupňů. Jedno rameno navíc rotuje okolo svislé osy v rozmezí -90 až 90 stupňů. Součástí je také otočný stolek otočný v rozmezí -180 až 180 stupňů. Podrobnosti zadání naleznete zde.
2010-02-19 09:11

3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making 2007

The program of the Workshop will include presenting selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of uncertain knowledge models and their applications to computer -aided decision-making. The Workshop is a part of the activities of the Research Center Data – Algorithms – Decision- Making, which was established last year by our Institute in collaboration with eight other academic and industry research groups under the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
2009-06-19 12:53


Co je v planu udelat. Nejsou to poznamky typu "Dodelat web", ale trochu blize formulovane problemy na dodelani

Oznaceni problemu v popisku
* (D) - problem je v datech
* (T) - technicky problem, pr: potreba doinstalovat modul; zjistit, jak se to dela; apod.
* (P) - problem lezi ciste na casu, clovekohodinach
* (U) - ukol, ktery je komplexnejsiho charakteru (vetsinou zahrnuje vse predchozi) a je na delsi dobu

Institute of Information Theory and Automation

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

The mission of the Institute is to provide the basic research in the fields of theoretical cybernetics and computer science, namely the control science, information science, advanced data and knowledge processing, system science and signal processing. Attention is paid to the problems connected with application of these branches and to the education and propagation of new results.

2007-09-29 23:18


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