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The workshop papers appear in Decision Making with Multiple Imperfect Decision Makers edited by T.V.Guy and M.Kárný and D.Wolpert, published by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (2010), ISBN 978-80-903834-5-6. The electonic copies of the papers are given below.
Attachment Size
"Bounded Rationality in Multiagent Systems Using Decentralized Metareasoning" by S.Zilberstein and A.Carlin (172.36 KB) 172.36 KB
"Perfection and Bounded Rationality in the Study Cognition" by H.Brighton (50.89 KB) 50.89 KB
"Invariant Neuronal Activity Associated to Decision Making in a Rewarded Choice Reaction Time Task" By A.E.P.Villa (221.54 KB) 221.54 KB
"Ambiguity Aversion and the Role of Information in Decision Making and Planning" by N.Tishby (37.95 KB) 37.95 KB
"Sharing of Knowledge and Preferences Among Imperfect Bayesian Decision Makers" by M. Karny and T.V.Guy (227.74 KB) 227.74 KB
"Modeling Bounded Rationality of Agents During Interactions" by Q.Guo and P.Gmytrasiewicz (100.46 KB) 100.46 KB
"Scalable Negotiation Protocol based on Issue-Grouping for Highly Nonlinear Situation" by K.Fujita, T.Ito and M.Klein (548.94 KB) 548.94 KB
“Supra-Bayesian Approach to Merging of Incomplete and Incompatible Data" by V.Seckarova (212.84 KB) 212.84 KB
“Multi-dimensional trading problem in multi-participant settings" by J.Zeman (152.51 KB) 152.51 KB
"Using Game Theoretic Concepts to Improve Human Pilot Modeling During Mid-Air Encounters" by R.Lee and D.H. Wolpert (234.41 KB) 234.41 KB
“The Social Ultimatum Game" by Yu-H.Chang, T. Levinboim and R. Maheswaran (486.81 KB) 486.81 KB
"Inverse Correlated Equilibrium for Matrix Games" by K. Waugh, B.D. Ziebart and J.A. Bagnell (167.58 KB) 167.58 KB
"Inverse Correlated Equilibrium for Matrix Games" - Appendix (117.29 KB) 117.29 KB
"Dynamic Model Averaging for Combining Inferences from Competing Statistical Models" by A.E. Raftery (58.95 KB) 58.95 KB
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